creating a space for you to re-author your life

schedule a discovery call
Im Shannon.
I hold a unique gift.
image of the sunset shining through forest trees

I talk with women and am able to quickly establish a profound connection, giving you permission to share things with me you wouldn't share with almost anyone else in your life. Allow me to create a space for you to stop hiding, enabling you to see yourself clearly, in order to create a world for yourself in which you thrive.

I am a mom, a wife, and have had a 20-year career as a hairdresser. Over the course of my career I have learned to see women deeply — I have been a safe space for their stories, grieved with them, celebrated with them, and empowered them. After decades of working with women, I could no longer ignore the calling to move away from focusing solely on external appearance, and instead prioritize supporting women's emotional, mental and spiritual well-being. Although I have had a successful career as a hairdresser, I now believe that it was the greatest education for what I was truly meant for.

Five years ago, I was living a much different truth in my internal and external worlds: held back by generational trauma; struggling with a severe lack of boundaries; plagued by negative thought patterns; and fearful of taking accountability for my life. I had lost touch with my instinctual nature and was not living the life I knew I was meant to lead. There was a deep sense within me to reclaim myself, and thankfully I listened. While always a work in progress, I am continuously pushing myself to live into who I know I was meant to be.

My coaching approach is based on connection, honesty, and empowerment — the very threads that weave the fabric of our journey together — building a trusting relationship by creating a safe and powerful space for you to show up as YOU. Rooted in the idea that with the right circumstances, you will discover things you are capable of you never thought possible. In my experience, I have noticed that women live much of their lives in their mind. While being immersed in a society claiming to have answers and solutions, I place a great deal of value in creating an environment where open expression and verbal exploration are encouraged.

I want to show you what you don't see.

My mission is to foster a safe space for you to harness  your innate vitality, creativity, and instinctual wisdom.  A container to foster personal growth, healing and a deeper connection with yourself and the world around you.

Leading to awareness in order to see yourself clearly; discovering your purpose; embracing your authenticity; the freedom to CHOOSE the life you want to live in order to step into what you've always known you were meant for.

In a nutshell, I am here to guide you towards knowing and accepting yourself, in order to create a world for yourself in which you thrive!

I would love to work with you if:
  • You crave to establish boundaries and foster healthier relationships, nurturing communication, respect, and emotional well-being.
  • You want to break the cycle of generational trauma and choose to heal instead of hurt.
  • You're seeking to rediscover your authentic self, embracing self-awareness and personal growth while alleviating the burdens of stress and anxiety.
  • You want to gain awareness of what is holding you back and transform your relationship with fear, reclaiming your confidence and unlocking new opportunities.
  • You are ready to take accountability for your life, leaving behind placing blame on external circumstances and stepping into being a person who owns the power to CHOOSE the life YOU want to live.
  • You know deeply that you were meant for more but need a space to create what that means to you.
Orange light of the sun shining through pine trees next to a winding road

"There is nothing more important to true growth than realizing that you are not the voice of the mind—you are the one who hears it."

– Michael A. Singer

a peaceful empty meadow at the edge of a forest
why coaching?

"To take time to think, is to gain time to live."
-Nancy Kline

Coaching is more than just guidance — it is an opportunity to deepen your roots, to embark on a journey of self-discovery and empowerment. Together, we'll navigate the depths of your being, uncovering the answers that lie within you. It is a space to think out loud, uninhibited, unjudged, and untamed; a sanctuary to come to know and accept all parts of yourself. As a coach, I want to help you make a difference in your own life, to illuminate who you are, and the path towards who you want to be.


If this sounds like what you're looking for
The first session is always on me. During our discovery call, we will get to know each other, in order to make sure that each of us agree that we are the right fit, and that working together will be beneficial for you!
All sessions are 1:1. These coaching sessions are virtual for the time being — I will be meeting in person in the future! Pricing shared upon request.


"Shannon is a wonderful listener. She creates a calm and inviting environment for me to show up as I am that day. During our sessions she helped me shift from negative talk and  self-sabotaging thoughts to seeing more positives and helping me gain confidence."
- Bernadette
"Shannon is very patient and has an incredible way of making you feel heard, understood and valued. She always gets me to think outside the box, and reach for bigger goals for myself. I truly appreciate the time she spends helping me grow as a person."
- Kevin
"It’s been since September since I wrote my last review. And things have just gotten better. Shannon has the patience and knowledge to recognize when I get stuck in a session and quietly lets me work it out and talk to myself. Then I start having those 'Aha' moments and I’m just so fascinated that things become clearer and I know I’m going to be okay. It’s scary at times and I fear that I will go backwards. And as I shared that with Shannon she worked with me on that fear. I’m becoming stronger and use my thoughts and logic more than my emotions. Shannon is incredible. I can’t say enough of how blessed I am to have her as my coach!"
- Colleen
get in touch with me

Need a little more information or have some unanswered questions? I would love to answer them for you!

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